Life got crazy

Keep on

What’s going on everyone!! I know it’s been a few weeks since my last entry.

I’d just like to briefly apologize and explain where I’ve been at

The past couple months have been a little weird for me.

Normally discipline and consistency are very natural for me

Normally energy and passion are very natural for me

But for some reason the past couple months it’s been harder for me to do anything.

It’s been harder to get out of bed

It’s been harder to work

It’s been harder to hit up friends to hangout

It’s been harder to go to the gym

It’s just been harder.

And honestly. As of today. It’s still hard lol

However. It’s getting a little easier

And that could be because I’m beginning to embody a tremendous amount of Grit

Grit = The ability to do hard shit over and over again without seeing an immediate reward independent of your current shitty thoughts and emotions - hoping for in the end making your future self proud

A real life example of this would be. No matter what my mind says to me today.

I’m going to the fucking gym

Or - it’s just because this is a season in my life.

A season where things are supposed to be a little harder to teach new lessons.

I heard a quote once that failure is only possible if you give up. Failure in a practical sense is actually a beautiful thing. It get’s you one step closer to success.

So I guess the summary of today’s post is that you’re going to fail.

You’re going to feel like shit

Even if you’re doing all the right things.

Sometimes phases of life are seasons that are brought to expand the person that you are

To the person you want to become

So the best thing you can do when shit gets tough is just keep on.

You’re going to lose faith. You’re going to lose discipline. You’re going to feel shitty.

But in the end if you just keep on you’ll find what you’re looking for