If I seem crazy..

The Alchemist

Hello all! 11:13 am, Sunday morning. April, I don’t even know. Actually it’s the 14th but it felt cooler to say I don’t even know.

Why is it cool to not even know?

Or rather not even care?

I move on

Yesterday I had a newsletter scheduled to go out today at 9 am. Clearly no newsletter was dropped. Why?

Well - I ended up showing it to a friend and she seemed like she didn’t understand it.

So although this is my newsletter, and my selfish desire of creating this was to find a new way to express myself and expand my skill of writing and learn blah blah you get it.

This is more for you guys. I’m in a position of my life where I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

I feel the most purpose I’ve ever felt.

I have the most clarity and direction of my goals and the things that fulfill me and am experiencing a degree of presence that I haven’t felt since I was a child.

A lot of you don’t know this about me but I’m actually a pretty spiritual guy.

I say that not to add too much emotional charge to the word “spiritual” but there isn’t really another good way for me to say it.

My definition of spirituality - A confrontation with deep seated fears that live inside you, and a turning back to love through self examination.

This is why I choose to not say religious. I grew up in a Christian household. And I want to let you know that I think Jesus is the Bees Knees

But have turned away from the formality of religious practice because in religion there seems to be a turning away from the self examination process. And a turning to an external viewpoint of God to come save the day

Unfortunately for me, I like many others didn’t have time for an external entity to come save the day. When your universe is rocked and you go through something whether it’s loss or trauma or heartbreak or injury or panic attacks.

The idea of the future being better doesn’t do anything for you because you need something to help get the pain out


So then your spiritual path starts. And one of your coworker says “have you read the alchemist”

And then here you go

For the first time in a book whether it be the alchemist, or the power of now, or even a think and grow rich. You read a sentence that hit’s a different chord inside you. Almost like you know what this sentence is saying is true - from a deeper place. So you read these books not to take in new data. But to rediscover the truth inside you that you’ve forgotten.

And then Spirituality becomes a process of not learning but remembering.

A rediscovering of who you are

A self examination process where you get to look at your life in the state it’s in, and have the tools to do something about it.

So I write this post to cover my ass a little bit. I’m 5 years along my path and sometimes the things I may say may seem a little “far out”

I’m hoping that I’m able to communicate messages of love and expansion in a way that hit’s that same truth chord inside you.

I just want to let you know if it seems like I’m going Spiritual Saiyan level 5 and it’s not for you..

Next week i’ll probably come back down and write a post about why a healthy morning routine is important lol

So much love guys. Thanks for subscribing. I’ll leave you with a quote because that’s the cool thing to do